Monday, February 22, 2010

so excited

i am so excited right now.
i just ordered a marc jacobs bubble ring off of ebay , its black with gold flecks, i am so excited to get it! recently my jewelry choices have been running low so its nice to get some choices, next im looking at the necklace with horseshoes that spell out love.

if your confused on what im talking about, Marc Jacobs,the designer, recently released a line called Marc by Marc Jacobs that offers quality mj wear for less expensive. perfect for poor small town chic people right?! so excited. here are some of my faves! oh and by the way, if you have a marc jacobs bag your looking to get rid of, i am looking for basically any mj bag (because i love them all!) leave a comment or email me (in the side bar) and let me know the deets !!

a lipstick pen?! so creative!

they have so much more than this, check it out at under special items.

stay classy!


  1. lipstick pen - amazing!!!
    Rianna Bethany xxx

  2. I absolutely love the lipstick pen!!
    Well I absolutely love MJ <3


thanks for leaving a comment, i get really excited over really. :)))
